Mr. Lenz's door that we attacked while he was teaching P.E. I think we will add hearts come Valentine's Day. |
Okay, I know most of you won't be so interested in this, but it's all my creativity and artistic talents mixed in with my students as well! I just wanted to share. :) Enjoy.
Mrs. Stronk's door that my yearbook class heart attacked while she was in the office. She teaches Math... duh! |
This is the wall by my classroom door. Hanging beside this poster are my kids 'book report' projects. |
We did a project where my student council gave every student 6-8 a compliment and hung it on a star lining the hallway. |
My classroom door decorated for Valentine's Day. |
This is for Heidi, I took your word wall idea and did this! We also do color coded parts of speech, so I have all the definitions color coded to that part of speech. My kids absolutely love it! |
First time this teacher ever posted anything on her wall; I was sure impressed! |
Ugh...I have to do this twice everytime I want to make a comments your thing is annoying.......I this that is great and it make the day a little brighter. Now I feel like I need to decorate a door at my house. hmm...