Sunday, September 16, 2012

Best Luncheon at Jesika's Wedding

At Jesika's wedding, I had the chance to meet someone that works for Mitt Romney.  I started asking him questions and my first question was, "Why do we give the Indians money?!  If they get money, I want my Mormon money for getting run off my land and my ancestors being killed!"   He laughed and said, "Of everything you could ask me, you want to know about the Indians!?!"  We laughed and had a good chat about everything and life and he said he would get me information.   Here is his response:

Sorry its taken so long to get back to you. I wanted to tie up loose ends on your question. As you know I cannot speak for the campaign. 

There are issues the Gov should take up and things campaigns take on. You would never choose to bring up this issue on a campaign unless it was needed. With that said, it's an issue a gov. Administration could take on. 

I think one of the problems we face with this issue is that there are so many other areas that have wasteful spending, in many ways you would want to clear those before you "attack" a group of people. 

Anyway, I'm sure you didn't get much out of that. If you want me to expound or have more questions for me let me know. 

P.S. I think better then cutting the Gov. Funding would be to do some type of forced allocation. Meaning the money can only go into or be tapped into if that money is focused on communities or education.

And now you know... the rest of the story... :)