Friday, February 8, 2008

Megan's First Post!!

Hey Everyone! my first official post! I wanted to let everyone know what kind of weather we have been getting here in Idaho. The pictures of the cars is what happened when I was only at the gym for 30 minutes!Well, I didn't have school last week except a 1/2 day Monday (we got sent home at 11 because of the weather) and then 45 min on Thursday. When we got to school Thursday they announced right before the first tardy bell rang, that the busses were turning around and picking the kids back up and taking them home! Crazy! But this week we were in all but yesterday because of 12 foot snow drifts. It just keeps snowing and snowing. I've been driving through a foot of snow sometimes because the city can't brush the roads fast enough. I took some shots on the camera to show you but they just don't do it justice. Some are from upstairs windows and that doesn't give the full effect either. Just imagine.... Since I've been back from Christmas break, it has snowed some everyday.

I also cut and colored my hair. So here is the new me!!
okay so I can't get the camera to work. Tonight I'll put the pictures on!!


  1. Holy smokes! I'm so excited for your first post. And I can't wait to see the pics :) love ya!

  2. That is a ton of snow! In Cleveland it would snow every day, but we didn't have snowdrifts that high. Cute new hair do too! Yeah for the first post too! Keep 'em comin'!

  3. I am not jealous of that weather. We are at 80 degrees here. When are you coming to visit me? Cute hair.

  4. I'm so excited about your post! It sounds like it is great snowboarding weather. Hopefully you won't have to be in school too long in the summer. Love ya!
