U- underwear, c'mon I had to say it! I'm also grateful for utilities, like electricity and heat!
V- volleyball. I am in love with Volleyball, it's my favorite sport. I love to coach volleyball and play volleyball. It's my favorite thing to do in my free time.
W- weather and wind. They create snow days! I am also grateful for the wilderness.
X- the Xgames! They are so fun to watch and helped develop my favorite winter sport into what it is today, snowboarding! Xgames are great.
Y- yellow! Yellow just makes me happy and feel good. I love surrounding myself in yellow, and yellow personalities. Also, yellow reminds me of Sabrina, Spring, and Shelly and since they are my favorite girls I love to remember them!
Z- zippers, lets face it, what would the world be like without zippers. Things could get dangerous and on top of that, your couch would be so strange without zippers. Your coats would let in cold air and it would be difficult!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thankful N-T
N- nachos, basically because I can't think of any other N I am thankful for! But.... Nachos are really good!
O- organization.... I am honestly super grateful for organization. Without organization, people would live in pig pens and it would give me a headache. I am extremely grateful for organization.
P- I am grateful for pizza, I love pizza. When I was little I didn't like pizza too much, but I've outgrown that! I am also grateful for pants, pants are so comfy! I am also grateful for Prophets to teach us and guide us through all we encounter.
Q- quilts, I am grateful for quilts. I am constantly cold in the winter so quilts help keep me warm!
R- running, I love to go running. I also love to wear runners! They are my favorite shoe because they are comfortable and have support. Too bad they don't go with dress clothes!
S- snow, I love snow because then I can go snowboarding! It is one of my favorite outdoor winter activities. I love it because it makes me like winter and long for snow! I also am grateful for snow days. It's great to have a free day and get things done! Also, I'm very grateful for Sabrina. I've had her all my life and she's my best friend. We've literally been through almost everything together. I constantly bug her and her husband to move back to the lower 48 so I can see her more often. I am most thankful for Sabrina. I am also extremely grateful for Spring, she has been there through all of my trials and adventures in life since 2002. I would be lost without her friendship. I am still mourning her moving to Pocatello but love her the same!
T- I am grateful for testimonies. Without a testimony I would truly be a lost soul. I know that it is through my testimony in the Gospel of Jesus Christ that I am able to progress in life as I am. I am able to have a sure knowledge of the plan my Heavenly Father has for me and I am renewed through the atonement. I am also grateful for Teralee, my little sister. She is so much fun to play with and she has always been a great support to me. She is there to listen to me when I need her and she is compassionate. I love Teralee.
O- organization.... I am honestly super grateful for organization. Without organization, people would live in pig pens and it would give me a headache. I am extremely grateful for organization.
P- I am grateful for pizza, I love pizza. When I was little I didn't like pizza too much, but I've outgrown that! I am also grateful for pants, pants are so comfy! I am also grateful for Prophets to teach us and guide us through all we encounter.
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Gino's East Pizza in Chicago with Suzi |
R- running, I love to go running. I also love to wear runners! They are my favorite shoe because they are comfortable and have support. Too bad they don't go with dress clothes!
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My actual runners! :) |
T- I am grateful for testimonies. Without a testimony I would truly be a lost soul. I know that it is through my testimony in the Gospel of Jesus Christ that I am able to progress in life as I am. I am able to have a sure knowledge of the plan my Heavenly Father has for me and I am renewed through the atonement. I am also grateful for Teralee, my little sister. She is so much fun to play with and she has always been a great support to me. She is there to listen to me when I need her and she is compassionate. I love Teralee.
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My favorite painting of Christ, O Jerusalem |
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thankful I - M
I - I am thankful for ice cream. Life is wonderful with creamy ice cream! I am also thankful for the Irlenbornes, my cousins. I have so much fun with them and chatting with Angie on the phone. They have been such a help in my life and I love spending time with them!
Irlenborne girls and I at a Civil War site in Arkansas |
J - I am grateful for jam, jelly, and jell-o. I love all three and grew up eating them often! :) I am also grateful for Jesus Christ. At times when I struggle and need a friend, he is always there for me. I have learned to rely on him and he always helps me through. Without Jesus as my Christ, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I love to read about him and learn about him. I love surrounding myself with people that remind me of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the restoration of his Gospel on this earth and for the knowledge I have of it.
K - I am thankful for kites. I have a big fish kite and it is so much fun to play with!
L - I am grateful for love and laughter. Both make the world go 'round and without them life would be boring! I have so many friends and family that I love and help make my life better. They are truly a blessing.
M - I am grateful for my Mother. She is so much fun to play with and chat. She and I stayed up until 2:30 last night chatting and laughing. She has been an inspiration to me and a stalwart member that has set a good example to me through all of the trials in her life. When I need her, she is there. On top of that, she also lets me set my own path and make my own mistakes through life that I might grow and learn. I love my mom.
Laughing and having fun at Teralee's Wedding |
My Mom and me in Seattle |
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Thankful in November A-H
One of my good college friends informed me that she was starting a letter a day thankful list. I decided I would do it for the month of November A-Z, so however many I decided to do a day! :) I'm cheating... haha. But here it goes.
A - answers. I am grateful for answers. Answers that guide me through life and tough times. I am also grateful for alarm clocks, without them I would never get up on time. A's, I'm also grateful for A's, as in the grade students get. It makes my life easier when my students are A students! I am also grateful for my cousin Angie. Although we are ten years apart, she has been such a support and help to me! I love talking to her and learning though her.
B -bathing suits, without them I wouldn't be able to go swimming and to the hot tub (which I really enjoy doing!). Beaches... I dream of living close to or on a beach.
C - cheese, I love cheese! I also love coaching sports. It is a passion of mine, I get to work with my kids and teach them how to become better and more dedicated. Coaching is what makes me love my job so much more each day I coach. I am also grateful for my sister Crystal. I love her, she is always there for me to talk to and she is extremely kind and helpful with anything. I lived with her for two summers and they are ranked among my top summers of my life so far! Crystal has always been there to help me become better and she always says the kindest words.
D - Desaray, she's my big sister and when I feel like I'm drowning she reaches out to help me get up. She constantly looks over me and although she might be too protective sometimes, she really does care and just wants what's best for me. She is creative and so much fun. Corey is so lucky to have her as his wife!
E - egg nog, I love egg nog! I also love the elliptical at the gym. My knees have been given me problems lately so the elliptical is wonderful for them!! I have also been upping my running to 4.75 miles a day which takes me an hour. I'm excited I can do that easy!
F - fruit and food! I love to cook and try new things, so food is a must! Also, I love seeing what dishes I can make. It is a goal of mine to work my way through a cook book like Julie and Juliet. That would be when I have enough money to afford all of that food!
G - gum! I love gum! I always carry gum on me. It takes care of bad breath and gives my mouth something to do instead of eating. haha. Gum is great. I am also grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without it I truly would be a lost soul. The Gospel helps me to find peace and guidance and most of all love. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true and I will always be grateful for it.
H - home, I am grateful for my home. It is cozy and mostly warm. I come home and I'm thinking, aaahhhh home. I also love my other homes, Missouri and Alberta. There is such a feeling of love and joy when I go to either place. My homes pull on my heart strings.
A - answers. I am grateful for answers. Answers that guide me through life and tough times. I am also grateful for alarm clocks, without them I would never get up on time. A's, I'm also grateful for A's, as in the grade students get. It makes my life easier when my students are A students! I am also grateful for my cousin Angie. Although we are ten years apart, she has been such a support and help to me! I love talking to her and learning though her.
B -bathing suits, without them I wouldn't be able to go swimming and to the hot tub (which I really enjoy doing!). Beaches... I dream of living close to or on a beach.
The beach in Costa Rica |
Crystal, Camarae, and Matt Porter |
Desaray and I about four years ago. |
F - fruit and food! I love to cook and try new things, so food is a must! Also, I love seeing what dishes I can make. It is a goal of mine to work my way through a cook book like Julie and Juliet. That would be when I have enough money to afford all of that food!
G - gum! I love gum! I always carry gum on me. It takes care of bad breath and gives my mouth something to do instead of eating. haha. Gum is great. I am also grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without it I truly would be a lost soul. The Gospel helps me to find peace and guidance and most of all love. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true and I will always be grateful for it.
H - home, I am grateful for my home. It is cozy and mostly warm. I come home and I'm thinking, aaahhhh home. I also love my other homes, Missouri and Alberta. There is such a feeling of love and joy when I go to either place. My homes pull on my heart strings.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Canada in July
This summer I was able to go to Alberta Canada for about a week. It was so much fun to visit my family up there and not have any pressing demands for events. :)
First Suzi and I drove to Aunt Ruby's house and just barely made it across the border before it closed... not really we crossed at dinnertime. So it was perfect! We went to Aunt Ruby's house, got settled in and then partied all night! We arose the next morning, packed up, and drove to Calgary where we stayed with my Aunt Becky. It was a blast with her at her house. We played with her, Kristin, and Uncle Bryce. After a delicious pizza dinner, we chatted until bedtime. The next day Aunt Becky drove us to the C train. Like the UTA Trax... and we took it to the.......... Calgary Stampede!!
The Stampede was a blast. There was so much to see and do. First we booked it over to the rodeo. We made it just in time to get our seats and then sing the national anthem. The rodeo was awesome. There was some really run bull riders, barrel racers, and team roping. Then they let the young kids try shetland pony riding! There were 3 boys and they had to chase the pony with one holding a rope around the pony's neck, and one boy had to jump on the pony. It was super funny and entertaining. The barrel racing champion was Sue Smith from Blackfoot Idaho! Afterward we went to the big barn with all the animals and I made Suzi pet a heifer because she had never before! Then we went back and played with Aunt Becky and Uncle Bryce again.
The next day we headed out to Banff National Park. It was a great day with a lot of fun places to see, and then a rain storm! We had fun but the weather could have been nicer! When we got back, we headed out to Aunt Becky's horse stable and Suzi and she went riding for about an hour. After we cleaned the horse smell off of Suzi, we drove back down to Cardston. Aunt Becky's house was awesomely fun and I felt like I got to know Uncle Bryce a little bit better.
Back in Cardston, we just played. All of Aunt Ruby's kids came over and we had a bonfire one night, Aunt Laura came and yelled at Jeff and I.... I tried to get him out of it but she was still mad. A lot nicer because I went and talked to her first. Jeff and I were four wheeling all over during the early night, like 10:30, and she was mad because I had Jeff drive down her driveway. OOPS!! I had an absolute blast playing with them. We kept Jeff up until almost 4 am! He almost died. Then I got to play with Jordan and Chantelle. I love them. It was totally worth the trip and I was dying to stay longer but couldn't. I love Canada!
Cardston Temple <3 |
Calgary Home of the New West! |
Banff National Park on a trail to a sweet waterfall |
Lake Victoria celebration! |
Good Luck! |
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