I - I am thankful for ice cream. Life is wonderful with creamy ice cream! I am also thankful for the Irlenbornes, my cousins. I have so much fun with them and chatting with Angie on the phone. They have been such a help in my life and I love spending time with them!
Irlenborne girls and I at a Civil War site in Arkansas |
J - I am grateful for jam, jelly, and jell-o. I love all three and grew up eating them often! :) I am also grateful for Jesus Christ. At times when I struggle and need a friend, he is always there for me. I have learned to rely on him and he always helps me through. Without Jesus as my Christ, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I love to read about him and learn about him. I love surrounding myself with people that remind me of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the restoration of his Gospel on this earth and for the knowledge I have of it.
K - I am thankful for kites. I have a big fish kite and it is so much fun to play with!
L - I am grateful for love and laughter. Both make the world go 'round and without them life would be boring! I have so many friends and family that I love and help make my life better. They are truly a blessing.
Laughing and having fun at Teralee's Wedding |
M - I am grateful for my Mother. She is so much fun to play with and chat. She and I stayed up until 2:30 last night chatting and laughing. She has been an inspiration to me and a stalwart member that has set a good example to me through all of the trials in her life. When I need her, she is there. On top of that, she also lets me set my own path and make my own mistakes through life that I might grow and learn. I love my mom.
My Mom and me in Seattle |
Diddo that our mom is great. And a good teacher to. I hope I can do as good of job as she did with us girls.