Sunday, September 4, 2011

A picture tells a thousand words....

I decided to catch everyone up based on pictures I have.  Therefore, I'm not going to tell much of the story but let the pictures tell the stories.  I hope it explains everything and you enjoy it!  Life has been crazy hectic lately and I am trying to stay up to date but it's not working!
Brent Knowles, Megan, Emily Heugly, and Kristin Carter at Emy's wedding!
Megan and Courtney Jenkins, my roommate, we were on a night walk on the rail-road tracks.  Good times!

Courtney and our super good friend Brent Knowles.  This guy is the best we love him!

My volleyball team before we floated warm river in Ashton, Idaho!

Shelly and I dying my hair blue/black. It didn't last....

Me and Bri Goff, we went to a campout and it was cold and the best part was the ride out!  It was super fun in a friends truck climbing up ridiculous steep hills and dodging trees! 

Brent and I at the campout

Courtney and I decorating Brigham's apartment for his birthday!

Megan, Sabrina, and Crystal dancing to my favorite wii game, Just Dance.  So fun and a great workout!!

The piano that I bought for $30, I sanded it and painted it.  Finished pictures to come!

Bedframe I got for 20, sanded and painted as well!  Pictures to come!


  1. WHAT??! You bought and sanded and painted a piano!?! GIRL! You are braver than I am!! I HAVE To see pictures SOON! Tell me everything, I gotta know how it went!!
    Oh, and I talked to the girl that does my hair, she said you should be able to go in to Sallys and ask the girls there to direct you to a blue glaze for your hair. She said they should have something for you to just get blue and tint your hair so that it turns out how you want. I'd definitely look into it! It's NO fun not getting the hair you want, especially after you've paid for it THREE TIMES!! I'm STILL working on my red!! My dark hair is just NOT taking any more color so I'm thinking I may have to try something drastic like a SUPER clown red over it or else going lighter first then frustrating!!

  2. Wow, you have been a busy girl all that painting will you come to my house and finish the kitchen? You two (shelly) are brave to die you hair that much. I had the up keep when it grows out.
