Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

I'm not sure how everyone else feels about this election, but I'm watching Fox News and saw Obama won the electorial votes. So we have a new president. I feel sick to my stomach, maybe that is extreme but I am nervous and worried about our country. Being in Idaho I hear a lot about hunting and life and such. So people here are worried about the gun laws that Obama wants to put into effect. Which doesn't affect me that much but I can see how much it will affect the environment. Although the idea of socialized medicine doesn't seem that bad, I am still nervous on what is going to happen. So I was hoping to get other people's ideas and opinions on this election so that I can broaden my horizons and learn more of what our country is getting itself into. Not that either candidate was far better than the other, I just feel nervous. Any new information??

A couple of weeks ago I spent a night at a "call center" (it was really just someone's apartment where a bunch of people gathered to make phone calls) trying to contact citizens of California and asking them if they had heard of Proposition 8. If so, we tried to find out how they would vote. If they had not heard of it we tried to give them some information. Here are just a few of the facts that I learned from that call night. This really is a Big Deal!

* In 2000, Californians passsed (by 61%) Proposition 22 which establishes marriage as valid only between a man and a woman.
*In May 2008 the California Supreme Court ruled 4-3 rules that Proposition 22 is unconsititutional. This made it possible for gays to get married legally in California. (If passed Prop 8 amends CA consitution making it impossible for the court ot overturn)

*Proposition 8 leaves intact the rights and benefits of gay or lesbian domestic partners. Under California law "domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections and benefits" as married spouses (Family Code 297.5). There are no exceptions to this. Proposition 8 will not change this.
--This Proposition is basically just defining that marriage is between a man and woman. No rights lost.

Expected Outcomes - If Proposition 8 Fails (these are what really get me)
*Churches may be sued over their tax-exempt status if they refuse same-sex marriages.
*Teachers will be required to teach children there is no difference between gay and traditional marriages.
*Religious adoption agencies may be forced to place children with gay couples.
*Private universities may be required to allow gay couples in the married student housing.
*Ministers who preach against same-sex marriage may be sued for hate speech and risk government fines.

I think if this passes in California it won't be long before we see it in our own states. Below is an email from ProtectMarriage.com asking for more donations to support the efforts to pass Prop 8. I've given a few times now, I hope you will too. I really believe this cause needs all the support and effort we can give if we are to protect our values and beliefs.

1 comment:

  1. I'm scared for all the tax changes he's proposing. I'm also scared for the possibility that gay marriages will be legalized...I just think things aren't looking good!
