Sunday, November 9, 2008

Halloween 2008

Halloween was fun this year! We went to two different ward parties (all dressed up too) and then went haunted housing. The best part of the haunted house was a bus with dead people on it and they would grab your ankles when you were walking though. I was screaming and trying to run off the bus! Then at the end Joker latched on to me and walked us to our car claiming he was going home with me. It was creepy and Teralee was scared bc she doesn't like clowns! Here are some pics!


  1. Nice costumes. Did you just get yours. Wish I could of been there the wheather even looks nice compared to all of our snow. Glad you two had fun. xoxo

  2. It's so fun to see Teralee on the blog, is this her debue? You girls look great, love the costumes.
