Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 12 - A picture of something you love.

Oh, the things I love.  I have a hard time with this because it says something.  SOMETHING SOMETHiNG.....  Now, something is a singular pronoun.  I don't know that I can pick just one thing that is something I love.  Even Maria didn't have to in The Sound of Music when she sings of her favorite things!!!  All this being said, I am going to break the rules and do thingS I love. :)

Jamba Juice.... mmmmmM I love Jamba Juice.  All of this fruit and yummy healthiness smashed into a cup and I get to suck it all up; it dances around my mouth and I feel a smooth party in my stomach as it makes me feel like sunbeams are coming out of my body.  

Snowboarding, my life would not be complete without snowboarding.  I picked up snowboarding in order to help me make it through the winter.  I am in love and I will take off school anytime to snowboard!  I really enjoy trying new things on my board and trying to become better!  Love love love it!!

This one combines two things I love.  First, volleyball.  I love to coach and play volleyball.  I have had a couple of successful years with my 8th grade teams.  I am really excited next year to move up and be the JV coach!!  I'm super nervous but I think it will be an amazing experience.  PUMPED!!  The second thing I love is Canada.  Enough said, it is a beautiful amazing country and the land of my birth!


  1. I love your description of Jamba Juice.

  2. Hurray Jamba I love you too! I agree it is way to hard to pick one thing wow.
