Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yes, it is true!

I did it!  One thing to cross off my bucket list.  I bought myself a motorcycle!  It is a little Honda Rebel 250.  I think it's great and I'm so excited!  Now before anyone starts to worry, I have a riding jacket with the armor stuff in it and I'm getting a helmet! Also, I'm taking the driving course that helps me get my license; therefore I will be super safe and SMART!  I am beyond excited and it's like a dream come true!  I've wanted a bike for years and finally the end of last summer my grandpa and I were talking and my mom is like no don't get a bike.  My grandpa Salmon said, "You're young and single, get one now while you can!"  I said "SWEET!"  Well, it is time for summer to roll in beautiful sunny days and plenty of time for adventure.  Hence, I bought a motorcycle!  Now I just need names.  I want him to be a guy, because it is a motorcycle....  suggestions anyone?
Me on my new motorcycle!  Ralph?  Na.... Gustan! haha, nope...
My psuedo-niece Sierra on the bike.  Oh yeah!


  1. I can't believe Grandpa talked you INTO getting a bike! How cool is our grandpa?! Cool names...I don't have very many ideas. What about Danny Zuko from Grease? Or Jed...or Chase...I don't know...good luck naming your new bike!
