Sunday, May 2, 2010

April Happenings...

Suzi and I have a great routine on Sundays and we love it!  There is a house of guys in our ward that hosted Hot Chocolate Sunday's, and we would attend every week, when we could.  So, we started a little tradition of leaving their house with something extra.  The first week we took a pirate book that we really wanted to read.  We were attacked in the car as they tried to get it back, but thanks to a great driver, Aubrey, we made it away.  The second week we left with a camcorder and the boys attacked us to ruthlessly that we speed away with one boy on the car!  But he came away unscathed.  So now that it is summer, they host Root Beer Floats Sunday.  We left last week with a stapler.  They didn't even notice.  Now, because we are not thieves, we always return our borrowed product.  So we are waiting for them to notice the missing stapler before we head over there tonight.  It's always fun and in good games.  This week we have a little something special planned for the event, which includes us leaving with nothing.  I'll update you later.

Also, after we leave Root Beer Sunday, we go over to another house in our ward and play games.  This past week we walked in late and everyone was already started, so the upstairs of the house was empty.  Suzi decided to re-arrange their furniture.  We had a great time until Tyler caught us!
This is as far as we got changing the furniture at Jonnie's house.  We should be older than pranking, but really it's too fun.  And as my roommates in college said, "Don't leave Megan alone with the furniture bc when you come back it will be different!"

For fhe one night we had an International Food Night with a progressive dinner.  It was so much fun!  One side of the church was Mexican and the other was Italian.  We were asked to make food to donate to the cause, so we decided that an Italian appetizer can't be too hard!  Well, I got sent home from school early one day because I was sick, I couldn't hardly talk!!  So I quickly made some Pepperoni roll-ups.  They are supposed to be an Italian appetizer and they are different from pizza so it was delicious.  Everyone even commented on them and they had no idea I made them!  On top of that, I couldn't talk to tell them.  Haha. 
 Suzi helped top them with spaghetti sauce and cheese! YUMMY stuff! :)  Basically crussants and garlic salt, onion powder, and some pepperoni and cheese rolled up.  Bake for the regular 12 min and top! Great stuff.

I also wanted to include a picture of the chocolates my student gave me for Valentine's day.  I haven't finished them yet so here they are! :)  His name is Cooper and he's been smitten with my awesomeness for 3 years now, and his dad pushes him to do stuff like this.  He thinks it's funny, I think it's mean of his dad to do that!  But I got chocolates out of the deal, can't complain there!

FINALLY, I wanted to get to the heart of this post besides some usual updates....  I got a new hairstyle!  I've always wanted to try blone because everyone else does but I have a fear that I will look horrible as a blonde.  I'll be washed out and nasty.  So I finally took the plunge and with the help of my fabalous hairdresser, Chelsea, whom Suzi visit teaches (that's how we met her), I got my hair done.  Let me know if you like it or not.  I'm open to all suggestions. But a change is ALWAYS good!
Drum roll please..... da. da. da .da .da. da. da. da.

I have to include a picture of my fabalous amazing fun roommate, Suzi and I.  It wouldn't be an update on my life if I didn't!  The ward thinks that we are attached at the hip and if we show up somewhere without the other we get quizzed.  But it's fun to hang out, and nice to be separated for a while too. We just have too much fun together sometimes!  It's great to have a friend close to my age, the same place in life, and be able to still have fun.  I am so over the freshman stuff. haha.


  1. I think you can totally pull off the blond look. You could even go more blond I think, but I'm still partial to the brown hair you've always had! I liked it so much I had to have it! :)

  2. Your hair looks GREAT! Soo, I really want to go blonde too. But I'm really scared. I'm really going to do it soon. Want to take the plunge with me? :) I actually won't go completely blonde..just A LOT of blonde highlights!

  3. i see you're up to your old furniture antics again! :) i love you! and miss you!

  4. I love the updates! That is so fun for Tenna and Dan. I'm glad you are doing well and enjoying the last month of school before summer. Any summer plans?

  5. You and Suz look so cute in the last picture. No you are ready for summer.(the hair)

  6. Your hair looks good! I'm enjoying the posts.
