Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 8: Croquet and Frisbee

Today was an AMAZING Saturday.  I loved it.  First, I got to sleep in.  That's a first that I never do, I usually have something I have to get to or get done and I just wake up early.  But I slept in.... heaven.  Then I cleaned the whole house!  Okay I know it's only 1250 sq. ft. but still.  I did it top to bottom.  I also talked to Teralee for a long time on the phone.  Love that girl.  Then I went out with Kasen.  It was so much fun.  First, he for warned me that we would be going to the park.  Smart smart guy, I therefor preceeded to put on warm-up tights under my jeans, the same ones I wear under my snow pants, so they are warm!  I was nice and warm the whole time at the park. We played croquet.  I didn't look quite as sweet as this lady, but it was pretty fun.  We set our own course and did the best 2 out of 3.  Somehow I won...  Well, partially because I cheated and he kept cheating for me too.  Then we had contest to see who could hit the ball the farthest.  He won, those strong men, there is no competing against them!  Then upon my request, we played Frisbee for a while. That was great.  It took me back to the days in college when I lived with Kayla, Shanny, Jesika, and Beca.  Kayla and I were on a frisbee team and sometimes the roomies would come and support in the cold!  Our team was so fun and awesome, we made it all the way to the championship games and lost by one point on a ref error.  It was junk but oh so much fun!!

  After all of my dreams came true, and we drank HOT CHOCOLATE.  Now, if you know me, then you already know I have an addiction to the stuff.  It is so delicious.  I would drink it everyday if I could.  Some times I do, I even have a CocoMotion in my classroom so I can make it at school!  My whole class will have some on really good days. All in all, this was an AWESOME Saturday, I loved it!  P.S. Suzi is feeling much much better, she was even singing and stuff today!


  1. what is a cocomotion? I want one even thought I don't know what it is. What a fun weekend and creative to!

  2. love it and love you!!! Megan Bevans, you need to call me! it's been too long! :) i'm glad you're updating this though, so now i know something that's going on with you!

  3. Sounds like a pretty good date and so much fun! Frisbee is quite a bit of fun too. I am loving all of your updates and the cute pictures you find for your posts. Keep it up!
