Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 7: Joseph and Snow

Today was Friday, lovely Friday.  I had a great day at school even though I got on the road late, I was there in time.  We had a jump rope assembly, and my carpool friend and co-worker, Kaitlyn Phillips, is the coach of the Rexburg ProForm JumpRope team.  How exciting!  They came and preformed.  Then Kaitlyn thought it would be funny to drag teachers up on stage to jump, of course she picks me! So I jumped rope, double dutch at that, infront of the entire 6-12 school!  One of the seniors complimented me that I always look so cute, even when I'm jumping rope.  That made my day!  Then I came home to take care of Suzi again, she couldn't wake up! So when I left to go back to my school play, she hadn't eaten all day!  I had to call her sister to come over and make sure she ate.  I went to the play with my friend Nate, and after we decided to go up to Mesa Falls and see how it was.  There was so much snow! Crazy snow for May!  But we went and had fun and star gazed a bit, Nate knows the constilations so I made him point them all out.  It was a fun and COLD night! 


  1. I love this. It is like my daily Meggie dose. And I think Nate looks cute. Just don't tell him I said that because if we ever meet, man that wold be aaawwwkkkkwwwaaaard.

  2. IT so fun to watch the jump ropers. cool and mesa falls is pretty.

  3. Sounds like a busy Friday! Great job double dutching-I can't do that.
