Monday, September 13, 2010

Wisconsin and Michigan Trip, Part 2 FINALLY

I know I said a long time ago I'd post the rest of my summer trip, well it's finally here and I'll have to do it in parts, so second part is Wisconsin.  Next I'll get to the Canada trip!

Megan at Gino's East Pizzeria
Suzi and I drove from Missouri straight to Wisconsin, outside of Milwaukee.  While in Milwaukee we played with Suzi's family including her little brother Joey, who is awesome!  We went to Chicago for a day and had real Chicago pizza, at Gino's East!  It was delicious.  We saw downtown and the pier and wend to the Field Museum.  It was so big we were inside for a couple of hours and we still didn't see everything.  I've never really been to a big museum so it was a great first experience.  Then we headed to Michigan to visit Suzi's 95 yr old great-grandmother.  She was a hoot.  It was tons of fun to see her and play in Michigan, the house was a little hard to stay in though because her great-grandmother smoked her whole life until she went to the nursing home.  I managed though.  Michigan was fun, we even went to Tower Hill at Lake Michigan and got to play in the water.  It was great, I didn't swim because it was a little cold and I didn't want to change, but it felt like the ocean with big waves!

We went back to Wisconsin after I we were done our 4 days in Michigan.  We played in Milwaukee and also went to the Harley Davidson Museum!  That was a blast.  We got to sit on real Harleys and learn all we could about them!  We also went to a car show on the rive after the museum, it was an accident but great fun.  Our last day we went to the Wisconsin Dells.  It was really neat to go up and down the river and see the rock formations and play in the Dells.  Wisconsin was a lot of fun!
Black bike at the Harley Museum

We drove out early on Saturday and went to the Corn Palace in Mitchell SD.  I love that place, it's always different and something new.  Then we traveled on to Wall Drug.  Suzi had neve been there but I had quite a few times and I loved it, we stayed in a really crappy hotel, but not cheap by anymeans.  It was July 3rd....  We ate dinner downtown and had fun just hanging out in a small shop town.  We woke up early and went to Mt. Rushomore on our way out of SD, it was really neat to be there on the 4th of July.  Then we drove all of the way to Cody WY where after an hour of passing town, we finally entered into Yellowstone National Park.  We took pictures and froze our little selves off, but it was a blast.  I got to watch the fireworks for the 4th of July in West Yellowstone, just like I had 5 years earlier.  It was neat to do that and see town again!  I loved Yellowstone!  We finally made it home at 1am and it was the best feeling to sleep in our beds again!
at Mt. Rushmore on July 4th!

Suzi at the Corn Palace

Grand Canyon of Yellowstone!


  1. Hooray for a fun trip!!! I love all of the memories that are made on vacations and you have a bunch of great ones. Hope school is going well.

  2. Vacations are great. I must of missed that you went to Mt. Rushmore. Awesome!

  3. Vacations are great. I must of missed that you went to Mt. Rushmore. Awesome!
