Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I got flowers! Wow!

I know that anyone that knows me, like really knows me, will be able to say that I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day.  I decided this year that I was going to make it fun.  I put together a dance for my middle schoolers and during homeroom, my STUCO put a Valentine on everyone's locker.  It was a lot of fun!  Then I got home and found this.....
A very sweet guy sent these to me.  I was very funny opening the card because my two roommates were sitting there video recording me!  I wouldn't give a reaction while they were recording.  But..... I finally opened the card and it simply said Happy Valentine's Day   -Jake.   Now, Jake is a very tall, dark, and handsome guy in my ward.  We went on a date in August and then we've just been friends.  Now lately, we've been seeing more and more of each other and he'll take me out to do stuff.  Nothing really big though, so I was highly impressed when he stepped it up yesterday (I've had a mini crush on him since last February).  All I can keep saying is Jake's so cute!  He is great so we will see what and if anything happens. :)  I just wanted to share this with all of my lovely readers.  I got flowers and I loved it!


  1. Score!! That's awesome...I too am impressed. Hopefully this tall, dark, and handsome Jake rides a white horse ;o) hehe Thanks for sharing. Love ya!

  2. As I said before, LOVE the FLOWERS! Wish I had some.

  3. wow, look at karma at work. It pays. Enjoy!
