Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Megan's Summer Update

ALASKA!!! It was a great trip, if you've read Sabrina's blog she's already updated you, but as for me.... I'm slow. After vacationing around the state we played at Sabrina's house for a while. Some fun adventures followed, like painting the babies room with sponges, dumping a big jar of pickles after walking through the woods and across the road into a ditch and getting passed by a car right after we were trying to hid the evidence!, shopping in Fairbanks and playing in Delta Junction. We went on a long bike ride for mutual and Sabrina whipped me, she thought I was just a slow peddler until she tried riding the bike I rode the day after and realized how hard I had to work to keep up with her! We celebrated our 25th birthday over Root-beer floats and some presents. It was a great vacation and we both cried at the airport when we had to say goodbye. I cried the whole way back to SLC on my 3 red eye flights!

Getting back to Idaho was great, I was able to get my classroom put together, see some friends and someone special. Infact, I went to Bambino's one night to get some Bambino's (the restaurant the bf is General Manager of) to save in the freezer for when I need an emergency lunch... Greg rang me up and gave me a great deal. :) Then I got home and opened my box. All the Bambino's were in there, but my name was written on the top of the box, no clue why so I had to read and...

Greg left me a note inside the box! It says MEGAN IS PRETTY! Totally made my day!

School started and I wasn't nervous or excited that much but it has been a great year. Teralee came up to see me right before I had to go back and we had so much fun and stayed up too late for such an old lady, me. Volleyball has been so much fun, I was nervous about this team bc we seemed to clash last year. But this year we all got along and had a great time and worked hard. We played Districts on Saturday and for the first time in school history, 8th grade WON districts!! It was a great thing to be a part of and we all got medals. My team also bought me some flowers which was fun. I am excited about this school year and what else it might bring!!


  1. CONGRATS North Fremont. I remember when you took the job, and you weren't too worried because there were no expectations, and now look at you . . district champions . . I feel so proud I could cry. . not really. But we are proud of our Megan. Oh, and I love seeing pictures of you and Sabrina, you guy always look the happiest when you are together. Love ya guys tons!

  2. Wow, talk about busy! I am glad that you are doing well, and congrats on the volleyball wins. I want to hear about this special someone, so give me a ring when you get a chance.

  3. Glad school is going so well. It helps pass the time without me there :). I want to go to Bambinos when I am up.

  4. Congrats on Districts! I had no low key you are. Had to read a blog to find out ;o) Can't wait to see you. love ya!
