Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New House!

Alright, I know IT'S ABOUT TIME!! I publish my new townhouse on the blog. I'm super excited to share it with everyone but I want to break it up into two different post. See, the thing is, I'm not completely done painting.... haha never ending process. Also, I want to expound the effect of the 'nastiness' that my townhouse was in before I moved in and started making changes. It was quite the adventure finding a place that I wanted to buy and second, being convinced this was the smartest thing for me to do.

I have always been in love with these townhouses on Trejo Street in Rexburg. They are called Riverwood Town homes. My friend Megan (whom student taught at my school so she carpooled with me) owns one down the row that I live in for a summer to house sit for her while her and her husband were selling alarm systems. It was the cutest place and so roomy and comfy. Even though they left all their stuff, we still had room for our stuff! ( It was my friend Natalia and I living there.) Perfect for two and had a two-car carport in the bad. Although I would prefer a garage, my pocketbook prefers carports.

So the search started, I looked at a couple different places and none of them appealed to me like the Riverwoods did. So I finally found one there that I wasn't in love with but with some TLC I definitely could be! We called it the Boise State house. The bathroom was covered with Bronco’s memorabilia and the front door has little windows in the top, they were covered with Boise State colored papers and Boise State stickers. We thought it was pretty funny. The Boise State house had a rental family in there, man, wife, and two little boys. It smelt funny like diapers and was dirtier that you could imagine. The carpets were a nice cream color under the rugs, but around the rest of the house they were a black brown. My mom came up to help me look for a place, and I’m forever grateful!! J She said, we can fix this for sure! So we kept thinking about it, (there was another place so much nicer but also a pretty penny more!)

Finally, we decided to make an offer and after haggling way to much with the owners and almost walking away, we came out with a deal and signed papers! I took ownership and it’s been a journey since! First things first, we cleaned like crazy without any heat because the renters turned it completely off and we couldn’t get it turned back on for almost a week!! COLD!!

Then we moved a bunch of stuff into the kitchen, picked out new carpet, paint, and got to work! We moved in and painted almost every single wall we could, had Lowe’s install carpet, and now we are trying to get unpacked and set up. It’s great! (Oh, we means Suzi, my roommate, and I.) Okay time for the before pictures, by Friday I should be able to put up after pictures. We love not having to worry about anything because we have parking, and I own the place! It’s been the best thing ever and makes us both more relaxed and so happy because we are always having a party and people over. We have no landlord to say, be quiet! Haha. Also, watch for my next post about my car journey. I guess I decided to put as much money into the economy as I could in a three-month period!
Kitchen, dining room view.

Kitchen the day we got keys!

1/2 bath downstairs

Spare bedroom, it's Suzi's room.

Master bedroom, it's mine! :)

Nasty carpet and hallway between kitchen and living room, 1/2 bath is in this hall. Then below is the living room.


  1. Can't wait to see the finished house post! I'm guessing the blue bedroom is the second bedroom?

  2. oh I can't wait to see the after pics. So, when are you going to invite us up??

  3. Wow! I bet it feels great to be a homeowner! I can't wait to see the after pictures or better yet, maybe I can come over and see it in person.:) Call me.

  4. hurray, loving the new carpet i take it. I cant wait to see how u set it all up.

  5. Wow! I didn't know you bought a house! I love it. Especially the kitchen-so pretty!
    You'd better post "after" pictures!
