Thursday, October 27, 2011

Back to the Grindstone

Jeff Galloway iPhone app! LOVE IT!
The past three months of my life have been consumed with volleyball.  All volleyball and school and for two... almost three weeks, I was also driving spud truck!  I loved coaching volleyball and my team was a blast to be with.  However, with loosing all of my time to work, I stopped working out.  It was dreadfully sad... I am determined to get back on the fitness bandwagon.  I am going to call this my fitness tiers section and for a month I'm going to report on what I did how how well I did on my new routine.  This way I have people I'm reporting to and I feel responsible!
Monday - Zumba fitness class
Tuesday - Jeff Galloway 5k train
Wednesday - Yoga class
Thursday - Galloway 5k train, kickboxing class
Tomorrow, when I get to Utah, I am bound and determined to do another 5k train on my mom's treadmill.  Someone has to use it so I might as well!!  I'm going down tomorrow because we are celebrating Thanksgiving early as my grandparents are leaving for AZ Saturday... boo because I will miss them all winter long!!
I made my own Halloween costume this year - I will post pictures later because I did take some! :)

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