Sunday, November 6, 2011

Keeping up the work!

This week I did pretty good on my workouts, I ran 3 times this week with my 5K workout.  Each time it is a little longer and I run a little faster and it kills me a little more.  However, I really like it!  It was a busy week so sadly, I only worked out those three times...  I have a lot of pictures I want to share really fast to catch up on some fun summer happenings!
Lake in Waterton, I can't remember the name

It was cold that day and Crystal was at a temple sealing so it was the kids and me!  Well, Mal was with us which was great!  Love that girl, she is so much help and so fun. It was my birthday and this is what I wanted to do. 

Mal and I, my favorite little cousin!  She's so fun and we have a blast even though she is  seven years younger than me.

Crystal and I cleaning up after Roo's (Miranda) wedding.  These were tied around the chairs.

ALBERTA!!!  Land of my birth!  Waiting at the border to get back into the states, can you see the long line of cars behind me?  I think the line was at least a mile long in stopped traffic.... boo!

In all seriousness, Jordan is my favorite cousin and I love love love his wife Chantelle.  I have a blast with these two.  LOVE THEM!

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