Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thankful in November A-H

One of my good college friends informed me that she was starting a letter a day thankful list.  I decided I would do it for the month of November A-Z, so however many I decided to do a day! :)  I'm cheating... haha.  But here it goes.

A - answers.  I am grateful for answers.  Answers that guide me through life and tough times.  I am also grateful for alarm clocks, without them I would never get up on time.  A's, I'm also grateful for A's, as in the grade students get.  It makes my life easier when my students are A students!  I am also grateful for my cousin Angie.  Although we are ten years apart, she has been such a support and help to me!  I love talking to her and learning though her.

B -bathing suits, without them I wouldn't be able to go swimming and to the hot tub (which I really enjoy doing!).  Beaches... I dream of living close to or on a beach.
The beach in Costa Rica
C - cheese, I love cheese!  I also love coaching sports.  It is a passion of mine, I get to work with my kids and teach them how to become better and more dedicated.  Coaching is what makes me love my job so much more each day I coach.  I am also grateful for my sister Crystal.  I love her, she is always there for me to talk to and she is extremely kind and helpful with anything.  I lived with her for two summers and they are ranked among my top summers of my life so far!    Crystal has always been there to help me become better and she always says the kindest words.
Crystal, Camarae, and Matt Porter
D - Desaray, she's my big sister and when I feel like I'm drowning she reaches out to help me get up.  She constantly looks over me and although she might be too protective sometimes, she really does care and just wants what's best for me.  She is creative and so much fun.  Corey is so lucky to have her as his wife!
Desaray and I about four years ago.
E - egg nog, I love egg nog!  I also love the elliptical at the gym.  My knees have been given me problems lately so the elliptical is wonderful for them!!  I have also been upping my running to 4.75 miles a day which takes me an hour.  I'm excited I can do that easy!

F - fruit and food!  I love to cook and try new things, so food is a must!  Also, I love seeing what dishes I can make.  It is a goal of mine to work my way through a cook book like Julie and Juliet.  That would be when I have enough money to afford all of that food!

G - gum! I love gum!  I always carry gum on me.  It takes care of bad breath and gives my mouth something to do instead of eating. haha.  Gum is great.  I am also grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Without it I truly would be a lost soul.  The Gospel helps me to find peace and guidance and most of all love.  I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true and I will always be grateful for it.
H - home, I am grateful for my home.  It is cozy and mostly warm.  I come home and I'm thinking, aaahhhh home.  I also love my other homes, Missouri and Alberta.  There is such a feeling of love and joy when I go to either place.  My homes pull on my heart strings.

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