Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 20: Institue of Religion and GLEE!

I didn't feel well today, I laid in bed all morning saying to myself, I should get a sub, I should get a sub.  Then I got up and when to school.  It was alright, my classes flowed well, they mostly flunked their spelling test, but oh well, they will take it again for the next 5 days.  I am determined to show them how important it is to study and learn to spell.  Even if you aren't a spelling genus you should learn basics and get a good idea for it!  I don't even claim to be a genus speller!

I stopped by Wal-Mart to pick some things up, and somehow this cd  ended up in my cart...  I'm not sure how but I'm really happy about it! hehe... guilty pleasures.  I actually have the deluxe edition, which is green but I couldn't find it to show you.  I'm in love!

After school, I came home and planted a tomato plant in a topsy turvy.  Haha, great stuff I'm so excited to see how it does.  The topsy turvy is actually Suzi's, and then I have a tomato in a large planter.  WE are going to compare them to see which is better.  I also planted a strawberry plant, and two days ago I planted three pepper plants, a red, green, and banana pepper plant! :)  I can't wait for real veggies and fruits to grow from them (as opposed to the fake ones).

Then I spray painted some wood picture frames to be white!  I'm excited and to announce, I will be painting the shelf white as soon as I get paint for it!  That will be a fun exciting day!!

Institute topped my night.  It was great, I love going.  It's something I get to do during the week to make me feel better.  Maybe going is selfish, but even so, I'm going to keep going!  Plus there are a bunch of my favorite people in my class!!  Kayla Smith Tibbits, Beth Bennett, Alycia Beutler, Ryan Pickett, Nate Coughran, and other great people!  Funny thing, I saw my cousin's ex-wife there too.  A little awkward but we made it work and it wasn't awkward by the end.  Today was good and I'm feeling a little better.  Can't wait for my last Friday of school.


  1. Yay! I'm excited for your painting projects! Be sure to take pictures and post them!
    And your plants too! I want to know how those hanging things work out for ya!

  2. Yeah!!! I love seeing you at institute too. I have no idea what a topsy turvy is, but I hope your plants grow and the vegetables are delicious.

  3. How fun that you and Kayla get to take an institute class together!!!

  4. First off, I LOVE glee too, I'm totally a gleek. Sean will watch the songs, and he wont admit it, but I think he is a little of a gleek too, just such great songs, and I LOVE Sue Sulvester. And second, planting veggies. Wow I am soooo impressed. I planted my first carrots this year, actually I think you saw, in a tiny pot with a bilizion wild flowers. We'll have to compare at the end of the summer and see you has the best garden. I'm already going to bet on you. :)

  5. wow, HOw do you keep so busy. I need some ideas. What am I going to do all summer long? As opposed to the winter. hehe
