Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 28, 29, 30: Friday off of school

Today was the first day off from school.  It was so nice! I just did errands around the house and attended the temple, which was nice but seriously took 3 hours!  I also had the repair guy come and put in a new garbage disposal.  My advice to everyone buying a home, DO NOT buy the extended warranty on appliances!  It is not worth your money!  I had to pay 65 dollars for the guy to come out and do the garbarator, and his total bill was only 120.  Which, I paid almost 350 for my appliance warranty.  I could have saved so much money.  Also, the main reason why i hate this idea of buying the warranty....  The customer service people were so rude, they were not helpful and I spent over 40 minutes on hold with them in order to put my repair man on the line so they could approve the fix (they wouldn't find the repair man, I had to do that myself!).  The first time, my repair man ran to get a part, and they were like, oh you've been on hold for 20 minutes but we can't wait 5 for him to come back and talk to him.  You'll have to call back.  So after letting that lady know that I wanted to talk to someone to tell them how they could better run a company, I finally got a different rep to the the job approved by chatting with my repair man for 1 minute! count it, one!!  That was my productive Friday! :)  I also went to Robin Hood that night.  I seriously loved it, probably my favorite Robin Hood yet!

Saturday: ICE CAVES!!

Today I went to the Ice Caves with my friend Brandon.  We had a blast!  After driving down a holey, muddy, rocky road, we came to the caves.  Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures!  We put our snow clothes on, hiked in the cave, scooted on our rears across the ice, fell down a few times, climbed up an ice wall and slid down... good stuff!  It hailed on us as we climbed out, but it was great fun.  Then Saturday night I went to the Ridge and watched the Lakers game with Juan and my old friend Natalia.  It was so much fun I loved it, it was great to see old friends and just have a good time. 

Sunday: Relaxing....

Church was really fun today, I chatted a lot with friends, Suzi made me laugh a lot during the sacrament talks.  It was probably bad but o so funny.  I will do better. Afterwards, we went on a drive to  Monkey Rock (shown above).  Then we came home and made food, got home taught, and made cookies.  Some friends came over to play; we played Super Mario Brother Wii, because my friend Tyrel go my wii to work again! YAY!!  It was a good night.  Tomorrow we will hike wind caves! :)  Here are some pictures I wanted to share!

My Plants!  the green hang basket, is a topsy turvey, it froze last week and I didn't get home in time to bring the plants in. It froze the tomatoes.

1 comment:

  1. wow, you are always having so much fun. HOw do you do it? glad you had one relaxing day.
