Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 4: Blow Ups and Family Dinner

Day 4

Wow, four days in a row! It's like a mini journal.  I'm actually impressed because I've been so tired today I just wanted to go to bed.  But here I am, diligent and blogging.  Today was a rough one at school. My first 3 periods went off pretty good.  It was that dirty rotten fourth period that did me in; they complained and complained all day.  Until I finally lit into them the worst I've ever done at school!  I was so mad my eyes were watering and my head was filling with mean things to say.  But nonetheless, I kept it inside and just basically called them out on their whinniness and told them if they wanted to learn they had to pay attention and keep doing what I was showing them.  We are diagramming sentences, which is hard, but I don't need to hear the... why are we doing this, I don't get it so all I'm doing is copying this down and not learning, this won't help me in life!  Well, basically nothing you do in school will help you in life, so suck it up and work because it's a right of passage!  haha, not really but it's what I wanted to say!  To top it off, my kids said to me today, "Ms. Bevans, don't you just teach us so that we can pass the ISAT?  We already took those so we don't need to learn more this year."  Wow, I wanted to die right then and there.  I was so mad, but I kept working and my class shut up so we could get something done, this was after I lite into them!

(For those of you interested, ISAT is the Idaho Standards Assessment Test.  We get rated on a scale to see how our school does for No Child Left Behind.  If you want my opinion on NCLB, it's on this website, stated so nicely by John Taylor.)

Then I came home after an AMAZING track practice --I love those kids and I'll miss them for sure-- and had Family DinnerI love family dinner.  Although I have no family in Rexburg, my roommate Suzi and her family has adopted me.  I really feel like part of the group. We eat dinner together each week.  Usually on Wednesday, but since my track meets have been interfering, we moved it to Tuesday temporarily.  Tonight was Skillet Stew, it was yummy.  I'll have to start taking pictures for everyone.  At dinner we have in attendance: Liz and Dave, Will, Matt, Suzi and I.  Liz and Dave are married and usually host family dinner, Liz is Suzi's older sister.  Will is her brother and Matt is Will's best friend since they were about 15 I believe.  So that's the connections.    We just eat and chat and have fun. Tonight after dinner, we were sitting around, and Liz let me take a nap on the couch while her and Suzi chatted.  It was the best, and o so typical for me! Haha.  It's fun to feel like you have family far away from close family and friends.  I lost Spring and Sean to Pocatello so now I have a mini sub. Yay!  Other than that, Taylor my friend will be here in a minute.  I better run....  Districts is tomorrow and I'm so excited!  Also, I'll have to show you the projects my 7th graders are working on.  Good stuff!


  1. Family dinners are the best. I don't like eating alone. That right don't take crap some the students. School should be at least liveable.

  2. It is so good to hear about everything you are up to these days! Keep it up!

  3. I love these daily updates-it makes me feel like we are almost roommates again with me getting to hear about your day each night. I hope your students straighten up and suck it up because if they don't learn to enjoy learning now, they have a long road ahead of them. Good job keeping your cool. Can't wait to hear about districts!
