Monday, May 3, 2010

Wind Storms and Hot Tubs

Monday routine goes like this: school, track practice until 5, eat dinner, go to FHE, then hot tub at Aubrey's house, finally to bed.  We love Monday's for this reason only! Hot water and cold air, nothing better.  We started in January when it was oh so cold outside, the warmest it would get was 20 degrees, and now it's up to 40!  WOW!  We would trapse through the snow and hop in the tub.  It's a joy now to fun to the tub in grass and enjoy the warmth inside and out.  I especially enjoy this after a long day of snowboarding.  Today was a little difficult because of the wind storms.  They closed a highway close to town and I-15 because the gust were up to 70mph.  My grandmother in Utah said it was blowing semi's over on the highway!  But we withstood the storm and went anyways, wood chips in the tub and all.  We had a great time!  When I grow up, listen to me making goals of adult life!, I want a hot tub at my house.  Hours of pain and misery washed away in hot water.... ahhhh.

Today was my last Monday coaching middle school track.  I love my team and I have so much fun with them.  One girl I especially have to word hard with.  She is born with amazing natural talent and blows everyone out of the water when she runs.  She's loosing her passion for beating everyone though.  So I'm trying my best to motivate her and push her.  I also take time to listen to her so I can help her work through mental blocks. So far it seems to be improving, but she's a great girl that I previously thought I could never connect with and now I just adore her.  Coaching is great!  I coach on a great track with a great co-coach, Ben Lenz.  We work hard to help our kids get better and have fun while doing it.  I'm excited for Wenesday, which is Districs in Ririe.  Now, you would think with such a great passion for track, and growing up on really nice facilities, we would have a great track. But in all actuality, it looks like this....

Most of the season we have spend running on the road and in the parking lot because the snow took forever to melt!  Now, this is not our real track but looks pretty close.  I found it on  Even though I love track, I'm ready for the season to be over.  I also and so ready for school to be over, just like all of my students.  Next year will be awesome, this one will be fun to leave.  Just 18 more days!!  My students count for me.  I am excited for summer and the journey's to come.  Check tomorrow for more juicy details of my life! :)


  1. I'm jealous of your mondays! LOVE hot tubs! They really do melt a bad day away. Baths can do that too, but you GOTTA have a good bath tub or else it just sucks. Our dream house will have BOTH.
    One day!

  2. I don't think I'd be very motivated to run either if I had to run on track #2. Are you teaching at the same school next year? Can't wait for more 'juicy' details of your life!

  3. This may sound sad, but I actually ran track for five years on a track like that-it builds character, running on dirt. Good luck at Districts!

  4. wow, that hot tub is so inviting. now wonder you went even in the windy day.

  5. Hot tubing does sound nice. I can't believe the track looks like that. It reminds me of Lockwood.
