Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Blog a Day in May

I'm joining my best friend Shelly Schloegel in her blog a day in May challenge.  So hopefully you all don't get bored of hearing from me, but I'm taking the challenge!  This should be fun because it is my last month teaching this school year. Yep, the school board voted and cut of 5 days of our year because we haven't yet used a snow day! Exciting that for the first time teaching school, we get out in May.  So to catch up on my day late start of blogging, I will post two blogs today.  First blog:

Two weekends ago I had the opportunity to attend two of my friends weddings.  Well, on wedding and 2 receptions.  First was my good friend Tenna Frank now Anderson.  It was a beautiful and sweet ceremony.  Jared has two super cute boys that were at the wedding and Tenna's family is so sweet and fun.  I took Teralee with me because she also knows Tenna and we ran into one of my old college roommates, Lateesha Cook Stevens and her husband Mike.  It was great to sit with them at the dinner and catch up on life.  Such a great wedding with great advice!

Next was my good friend Danny.  He had always been a great guy and would come and play with the family in Utah over break because we were both home and bored!  He found and married a cute girl, whom is actually 2 years older than him.  Teralee and I stopped by their reception for a bit and it was fun.  I also was able to play with my family.  My sisters are so fun I love being able to spend time with them. And I always have a blast with my Mom, infact, we went shopping and she decided to buy some lawn chairs, we got out to the car and couldn't get them into the car! She was like, darn we might have to go and get the other car!  But I worked hard, and for a long time, and finally got them into the car!  It's really great my friends getting married so close to me that i can go see them and stay at my mom's house.


  1. Yay! I'll have something to read every day now for the month of May :)

  2. Yay! Glad to know that I advanced to best friend status again! ;)
    And glad to know I'll have more stuff to read every this rate, I'll never get my counter clean!

  3. Glad you enjoyed the receptions. The blog looks so cute.

  4. Funny about the lawn chairs. I didn't hear that story while you were here.
