Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 12: Still blogging

Today was an interesting day at school, I had a kid tell the other kids to shut the *~ up, a bunch of them cheating on their spelling test, and insanity in their minds.  Haha, you can tell it's May and only 12 days left of school! YAY!  So tonight I came home and took a much needed nap and then went to Zumba on campus with my roommate, Alycia, and friend, Christie.  It was great fun as always. I wore my zumba skirt and some guy was like, are you a belly dancer?  I said, I'm a professional!  But I was the only one in this class to have a skirt!  So I didn't wear it for class, but it was still fun to wear around campus and get looks from people!  Tomorrow is star day at school... too bad I gave my star shirt to DI.  That place takes all of my good stuff!  Oh well.  I'm looking forward to Saturday.  Good times ahead, it is murder mystery dinner, Hawaiian Luau. :)

 Okay so not the best picture I know, but you had to see my skirt!!


  1. I love that you've been blogging everyday! Keep it up! Let me know if you are ever in Salt Lake!

  2. Next time you go to Zumba on campus, let me know and I'll see I can go. It'd be fun!

  3. Great skirt. Were did you get it? haha that guy thought he was funny.
